Greetings in the Lord,
Today is the Fifth Sunday of the Great and Holy Lent, dedicated to the Saint Mary of Egypt. Her life teaches us about the true repentance. The main purpose of the Lent is exactly that – REPENTANCE.
Also, I am sending you the GOSPEL READING for this 5th Sunday of Lent, where from the Lord Jesus Christ we learn – what the true SERVING OF GOD AND ONE ANOTHER is. Thus, please take a moment today and read it. It is both - in English and Macedonian.
It is heard to imagine Sunday with no Divine Liturgy, but we must endure it at this time, until all this is over. “But we receive the grace of God in many other ways. When we practice hesychastic prayer, we abide in the Presence of God with the mind in the heart calling upon the holy Name of Christ. The Divine Name brings us the grace of Christ because it is inseparable from His Person and leads us into His Presence. This Presence of Christ, which is purifying, cleanses us from our transgressions and sins, it renews and illumines our heart so that the image of God our Saviour, Christ, may be formed therein”, says one Father.
May the grace of the Lord be with all of us and our families this Sunday and the week ahead and may He keep us safe and healthy.
With love in His name,
Father Branko